help BO Formula | SAP BusinessObjects

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

BO Formula

What You Want to Do
Calculate and display a percentage of an object
=Sum(<Sales revenue>*0.3%)
The percent must be preceded by a 0 (i.e., “0.3”) if a decimal point is used.
Convert a character string to a date
Example 1:  =ToDate(“20030130”,“yyyymmdd”)
Result:  01/30/2003
The single value or variable is followed by the existing format of the string. 
This function can be used in If Then Else statements.  If the variable that follows Then is date-type, the variable that follows Else must also be date-type.
Convert a character string to a number
Example:  =ToNumber(“356”)
Result:  356.
This function can be used in If Then Else statements.  If the variable that follows Then is numeric, the variable that follows Else must also be numeric.
This function works with both constants and variables.
Convert a date to a character string so that it is compatible with other elements in a formula
=FormatDate(date, string format)
The string format must be enclosed in quotes.
This function works with both constants and variables.
Use this function when you want to concatenate text with a variable.  The variable must be character-type.
Convert a number to a character string
=FormatNumber(number,string format)
Example:  =FormatNumber(<Eff Seq #>,“0”)
The string format must be enclosed in quotes.
This function works with both constants and variables.
Use this function when you want to concatenate text with a variable.  The variable must character-type.
Convert upper case to lower case (or vice versa)

The Lower() function displays a character string in lower case while the Upper() function displays the string in upper case.
Count the number of zeroes or null values in a column
=If <mycolumn> = 0 or IsNull(<mycolumn>) Then 1 else 0

This formula returns a “1” anytime a blank or zero appears in the specified column.  Create a variable with this formula, then insert a sum on the variable to count all occurrences of null or zero.
Create a table where every other row is shaded
Variable formula:
=Mod(LineNumber(), 2)
<New Variable> = 1
1.  Create a variable with the formula displayed at left.  The formula checks the line number for each row and returns a value of 1 for any row with a line number that is evenly divisible by a value of 2. 
2.  Highlight all columns of the table (but not the headers).  Create an alerter based on the new variable which shades every row for which the value of the variable is 1.  Under Cell Content, Format…, go to Shading and select the desired shading option.
Create a variable that displays first name and another that displays last name based on a variable that displays LAST NAME,FIRST NAME, e.g.
Last name:
=SubStr(<EmpName> ,1 ,(Pos(<EmpName> ,",")-1))
First name:

=SubStr(<EmpName> ,(Pos(<EmpName> , ","))+1 ,Length(<EmpName>)-(Pos(<EmpName> , ",") ))

First name (for variable with a space after the comma):

=SubStr(<EmpName> ,(Pos(<EmpName> , ","))+2 ,Length(<EmpName>)
-(Pos(<EmpName> , ","))

The Substr() function extracts a sequence of characters from a character string.
The first formula says: start at position 1, display all characters up to one position before the comma.
The second formula says: start one character past the comma and display the number of characters that results from this calculation:  the total number of characters in this field minus the position number of the comma.
Note:  If there is a space after the comma, the first name formula should start 2 characters after the comma.
Create calculations that ignore filters on a document
Example:  =NoFilter(Max(<Quantity sold>))
Returns the calculation performed on data with all filters on the data ignored.
Display the current page number
=”Page ” & FormatNumber (Page(), "#")
The page number will only display correctly in Page Layout view (View, Page Layout).  The example uses the FormatNumber() function to convert the page number to a character string and concatenates the number with text.  Example:  “Page 1.”
Display the last time a document was refreshed
=LastExecutionDate(data provider)
Example:  =LastExecutionDate("Query 1 with EFASHION")
Use the Number tab of the Cell Format dialog box to format the date.
Select Insert, Special Field, Date and Time, Last Refresh  to insert this formula automatically.
Display the name of the document
=Substr(DocumentName() ,1 , Length(DocumentName())-4)

The example displays the document name without the .rep extension.  It uses the SubStr and Length functions to take a string from the document name, starting in position 1, returning the length of the document name minus the last 4 characters.
Display user response to a prompt.
=UserResponse(data provider, prompt)
Example 1:
=UserResponse ("Query 1 with EFASHION" , "enter state")
Example 2:
=UserResponse (DataProvider(<State>) , "state")
Select Insert, Special Field, Query Prompt from the main menu to insert this formula automatically.
In Example 1, the data provider name is hard coded and would have to be edited if the query name were changed.
Example 2 uses the DataProvider() function which requires that you specify a variable (in this case, <State>).

Suppress blank values in a column
=IsNull(character string or number or date)
Example:  =Not IsNull(<EmplId>)
To suppress zeroes rather than nulls, use this formula:  =<EmplID> <> 0.
Example of If Then Else statement: 
=If IsNull(<DeptID>) Then <Acct Grp> Else <DeptID>
Checks whether a constant or variable is empty.  The example can be used to define a formatted filter and will hide all rows in which the specified field is empty.  Select Format, Filters, select the table, click Add…, select variable to filter, click Define…, type the formula.
IsNull() can also be used in an If Then Else statement.  The variable that follows “Then” must be the same data type as the variable that follows “Else.”


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