help Business objects Interview Questions | SAP BusinessObjects

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Business objects Interview Questions

What is loop in Universe? Explain its problem and different methodologies to resolve it.
Loops occur when there are two different paths to accomplish one join. The following structure now
includes PRODUCT_PROMOTION_FACTS in the Test Fashion universe. If users want to analyze articles
versus time, there are now two join paths. Business Objects does not know which path to take, the one
The circular appearance of these four joins is a loop, which can give undesired SQLresults.
One way of spotting the problem table in the loop is the table which has at one end of the one-to-many
relationship. If loops are not resolved and report is run following error might come.
Error: Incompatible combination of objects
There are different methodologies to resolve loops depending on the type of loop.
Context is simply a list of joins that defines a specific path for query.
It breaks loop by defining set of joins that define path through table in a loop.
It ensures that joins are not included from different path within the same sql.
If object from two different contexts are used in report. BO generates two different SQL.
When you use a context, you expose the BO end user to the database structure. They are forced to
decide which context they want to use to run their query. The role of the universe is to shield end users
from the database structure, so they do not have to make such decisions.
To test the contexts:
Create a query which includes objects which are only in one context : BO should be able to get the
correct result by determining the context.
Create a query which includes objects from both the contexts. BO should generate two queries and
then unions it.
Create a query which includes object which are common two both the context. BO should prompt for
contexts to be used.
Designer detects context by identifying table which has only many ends of joins attached. No joins
following back from one to many are included.
Every Join except shortcut join must exist in at least one context.
Alias breaks the loop by using same table with different name in the query.
In above example we can create the alias for calendar_year_lookup table.
Original table would join to shop facts and alias will join to promotion fact which would break the loop.
However you would need to define the object based on there meaning.
e.g. to get the shopping month you can use original table whereas to get the promotion month you need
to use alias table.
What is CHASM trap and how to resolve it
Fan traps and Chasm traps are problems in which are inherent in SQL that are caused by the order in
which the elements of SELECT are processed.
In SQL a select statement processes SELECT, FROM and WHERE cause first and forms a result table in
memory based on the tables specified in where clause and restrictions specified. However this does not
cause a problem, but if aggregates are applied then it may cause a problem in particular circumstances.
These traps are difficult to identify unless you take a deeper look at the detailed data.
These traps return many row than expected.
Chasm trap is a common problem in relational database in which a join path returns more data than
A chasm trap is a join path between three tables when two many-to-one join path converge on a single
table and there is no context in place that separates the converging path.
You only get incorrect result in following situations.
There is many-to-one-to-many relationship between three table in universe.
The query includes objects based on the two “many” tables
There are multiple row returned for single dimension.
For example in above diagram there is no loop, but the flow around three table is many-to-one-many.
When a query that uses objects Y and Z is run, the inferred SQL includes tables B,C,A that have a manyto-
one-many relationship. The chasm traps causes a query to return every possible combinations of one
measure with every possible combination of another measure. The results in the values for each objects
being multiplied by other. The effect is similar to a Cartesian product but known as CHASM trap.
CHASM trap is resolved by executing separate statement for Y and Z and combining the result.
Note: the chasm trap is not dependent on object type. Y and Z can be dimension
Detecting CHASM trap.
Unlike loops chasm traps are not detected automatically by designer. Need to detect manually.
Analyze the one to many relationship join paths in schema to detect CHASM trap graphically.
Analyze the proposed detected to separate the queries for such join paths.
Add additional dimension or detail objects to display more information in the report . If there is chasm trap
aggregated value will be doubled alerting you a chasm trap.
Now if you run query with client name and sale revenue or rental revenue. You would see correct result.
However you want to see client name with sale and client revenue you would end up getting wrong result.
Suppose Sale revenue is 2000 and rental revenue is 4000 for client Kumar. You wou
ld see result as
Client Name Sale revenue Rental Revenue
Kumar 4000 8000
This is because of chasm trap.
Internally it is bringing result as micrcocube
Client Name Sale revenue Rental Revenue
Kumar 2000 4000
Kumar 2000 4000
And while projecting this data in report BO aggregates it to client name and shows wrong result.
Resolving CHASM trap.
Modify SQL parameters of the universe and click generate separate queries for measures. However this
works with measures and might result in inefficient queries and does not works with dimensions.
Create a contexts for each fact. This solution works well and recommended.
When you create context and two entities from separate context are used in SQL. BO generates separate
queries regardless of measure/dimension. Which solves this trap problem
When any new universe changes are deployed how does the end user get the view of the new
classes/objects added(apart from specs doc)?
when universe get changed, we do export the changed universe to enterprise server. user gets the view
of changed classes objects what ever we done at universe and already existed objects which are not
changed are viewed as same like before.
I have 2 universes. that is u1 and u2. From u1,i created one report that is r1. Now i want to give the
connection r1 to u2 and at the same time delete the connection from u1 to r1 ? How is it possible
can change the connection for the report r1.For web I reports in query panel on left side we have query
properties there we can change the connection of the universe to u2.then it will map to the u2.
What is meant by ZABO and FC(full-client)?
This module of the application is hybrid of the thin client and the Full Client Modules of Business
Objects Reporting Module. ZABO stands for Zero Administration Business Objects. This application
uses the hardware resources of the client machine for application level processing and communicates
through the protocol defined for the browser to use the server resources for processing External requests
(like running a database Query , creating a data provider to access data.)
ZABO means Zero Administration Business Objects and this is 3-tier level architecture.
No need to install any BO software.
Full Client means 2 -tier level architecture we can directly connect to repository only we defines key file
and this Full client we need BO tools our local system also.
what happens if cardinalities are not resolved?
If Cardinalities are not specified between the tables i.e. the relationship between the tables ( 1-1,1-
We get more results at report level more than the actual result, like a Cartesian product.
We can’t detect the Loops & Traps (Chasam & Fan) Which are mainly detected by the
What is aggregate navigation.
Aggregate Navigation is used to specify the incompatible objects.
Whenever we use Aggregate Aware we need to set up incompatibilities to work it properly (so Business
Objects knows what SQL to generate)
For example, There are 2 aggregate tables fact table by
week and by day.If you set up a measure as aggregate aware from both tables – total quantity for
example, the select might be something like: -
The week table listed first as this would be the preference. But as Business Objects needs a reason to
not go to the week_agg table, this is done using incompatibilities. For example the Week Number
dimension object would be compatible with the week_agg table as it will link to it and the data is held at
an appropriate level to report against it. However the Date dimension object would be set as
incompatible with the week_agg table, such that when it is selected alongside the Quantity object,
Business Objects knows to jump to the next option in its select definition.
What is Index Awareness in Universe.
Index awareness is the ability to take advantage of the indexes on key column to speed data retrieval.
The objects that you create in the universe are based on database columns that are meaningful to an end
user. For example, a customer objects retrieves the fields that contains name. In this situation the
customer table typically has primary key (e.g. in integer) that is not meaningful to the end user, but which
is very useful for DB performance. When you set up index awareness in designer, you tell designer which
database columns are primary and foreign keys. This can have dramatic effect on query performance in
the following ways.
Designer Can take advantage of the indexes on key columns to speed up data retrieval
Designer can generate SQL that filters in the most efficient way. This is particularly more important in a
start schema . If you build a query that involves filtering on a value from dimension table. Designer can
apply the filter directly on the fact table using table foreign key. This eliminates unnecessary joins to
dimensions tables.
Designer does not ignore duplicates with index awareness. If two customers have same
name. Designer retrieves only one unless it is aware that each customer has a separate primary key.
To setup index awareness open the properties of objects, open “Keys” tab. Click insert and add
respective PK and FK.
What are @functions
@Aggregate_Aware (2) @Prompt (3) @Script (4) @Select (5) @Variable (6) @Where
@Prompt: message prompts the end user to enter a specific value.
Syntax: @Prompt (‘message’, [‘type’], [lov], [MONO|MULTI], [FREE|CONSTRAINED])
@Script: This function recovers the results of Visual Basic for Applications macro (VBA macro).
Syntax: @Script (‘var_name’, ‘vartype’, ‘script_name’)
@Select: This function enables you to re-use the Select statement of an existing object.
Syntax: @Select (ClassnameObjectname)
@Variable: The @Variable is used to reference the value assigned to a name or variable.
Syntax: @Variable(‘myname’)
@Where: This function lets you re-use the Where clause of an existing object.
Syntax: @Where (ClassnameObjectname)
What is core Universe
The core universe is a universe to which other universes are linked. It contains
components that are common to the other universes linking to it. These
universes are called derived universes. The core universe represents a
re-usable library of components.
A core universe can be a kernel or master universe depending on the way the core universe components
are used in the derived universes.
What is derived universe.
A derived universe is a universe that contains a link to a core universe. The
link allows the derived universe to share common components of the core
• If the linked core universe is a kernal universe, then components can be
added to the derived universe.
• If the linked core universe is a master universe, then the derived universe
contains all the core universe components. Classes and objects are not added to the derived universe.
They can be hidden in the derived universe depending on the user needs of the target audience.
What are linked universes? Explain with advantages and disadvantages.
Linked universes are universes that share common components such as parameters, classes, objects, or
joins. Among linked universes, one universe is said to be the kernel or master while the others are the
derived universes.A kernel or master universe represents a re-useable library of components.
Derived universes may contain some or all of the components of the kernel or master universe, in addition
to any components that have been added to it.
You have the following advantages when linking universes:
• Reduce development and maintenance time. When you modify a component in the core
universe, Designer propagates the change to the same component in all the derived universes.
• You can centralize often used components in a core universe, and then include them in all new
universes. You do not have to re-create common components each time you create a new universe.
• Facilitate specialization. Development can be split between database administrators who set up a basic
core universe, and the more specialized designers who create more functional universes based on their
specific field.
Requirements for linking universes
You can link the active universe to a core universe, only if the following requirements are met:
The core universe and derived universe use the same data account, or database, and the same RDBMS.
Using the same connection for both the core and the derived universe makes managing the universes
easier, but this can be changed at any time.
• The core and derived universes must be in the same repository.
• The core universe was exported and re-imported at least once. The derived
universe does not need to have been exported before creating a link.
• Exported derived universes are located in the same universe domain as
the core universe.
• You are authorized to link the given universe.
Restrictions when linking universes
You need to be aware of the following restrictions when linking universes:
• You cannot link to a universe that uses stored procedures.
• You can use only one level of linking. You cannot create derived universes from a universe which is
itself derived.
• All classes and objects are unique in both the core universe and the derived universes. If not conflicts
will occur.
• The two universe structures must allow joins to be created between a table in one universe to a table in
the other universe. If not, then Cartesian products can result when a query is run with objects from both
• Only the table schema, classes and objects of the core universe are available in the derived universe.
Contexts must be re-detected in the derived universe.
• Lists of values associated with a core universe are not saved when you export a derived universe with
the core universe structures.
Creating a link between two universes
You can link an active universe to another universe. When you do so, the active universe becomes the
derived universe, and the linked universe becomes the core universe. Components from the core
universe are inherited by the derived universe.
To link a universe to a core universe, the core universe must have been
exported to the repository.
Note: When you link universes, you can relocate the core universe within the same repository with out
breaking the link. This allows you to export the core universe to a different repository folder, while keeping
the links with derived universes valid.
What is Object Qualification
For the purposes of multidimensional analysis, objects are qualified as one of three types: dimension,
detail, or measure.
How to create filter in Universe and what is advantages and disadvantages.
A condition object is a predefined Where clause that can be inserted into the Select statement inferred by
objects in the Query pane.
Condition objects are stored in the Conditions view of the Universe pane. You access the conditions view
by clicking the Conditions radio button at the right bottom of the universe pane
Using condition objects has the following advantages:
• Useful for complex or frequently used conditions.
• Gives users the choice of applying the condition.
• No need for multiple objects. Building universes Defining objects
• Condition objects do not change the view of the classes and objects in the Universe pane.
Note: You may need to direct users to use the condition objects view of the Universe pane. The only
disadvantages for using condition objects is that you may want to force a condition on users to restrict
their access to part of the data set. In this case you need to define a Where clause in the object definition.
Why do we need to create derived table in Universe.
Sometimes it not possible to create dimension/measure directly in universe in that case we use derived
tables. E.g. First time users, union queries etc.
Explain security level in BO Universe
Defines the security access level of the object.You can select a security level which restricts use of the
object to users with the appropriate security level. You can assign the following security access levels:
• Public
• Controlled
• Restricted
• Confidential
• Private
If you assign Public then all users can see and use the object. If you assign Restricted, hen only users
with the user profile of Restricted or higher can see and use the object.
How to implement row level security in Universe.
You can define a WHERE clause that restricts access to row and limits the result set returned by a query.
To create restrictions Select Tools > Manage Security > Manage Access Restrictions and click rows
How do you determine when to use alias and when to use context.
There is no strict rule to follow for resolving loops. However, whenever possible you should use an alias
instead of a context. When you use a context, you expose the BUSINESSOBJECTS end user to the
database structure. They are forced to decide which context they want to use to run their query. The role
of the universe is to shield end users from the database structure, so they do not have to make such
Contexts can be confusing for end users
A context can be confusing for end users when they are forced to make a decision about the meaning of
an object. For example an object called Country can have several meanings; the customer’s country of
residence, the shipment destination, or the product’s country of manufacture. When you run a query in
BUSINESSOBJECTS or WEBINTELLIGENCE, you are also asked to indicate the correct database path
to follow.
Deciding to use an alias or context
You can use the following rules to help you decide whether an alias or context is appropriate for resolving
loops: When you create aliases and you end up with object names that sound very different (Customer’s
Country of Residence, Shipment Destination, and Products Country of Manufacture), aliases are probably
the right solution.
If you end up with object names that sound very similar (such as Ordered Products and Loaned Products
as well as Ordered Products’ Country of Manufacture and Loaned Products’ Country of Manufacture), you
should consider using contexts.
What are different ways to link universes.
You can use any the following approaches when linking universes:
• Kernel approach
• Master approach
• Component approach
You can use any of the three approaches individually, or, combine one
or more together.
Kernel approach
With the kernel approach, one universe contains the core components. These are the components
common in all universes. The derived universes that you create from this kernel universe contain these
core components as well as their own specific components.
In the example below, the universes Human Resources and Sales are derived from a kernel universe.
They contain core components of the kernel universe as well as their own specific components.
Any changes you make to the kernel universe are automatically reflected in the core components of all
the derived universes.
Master approach
The master approach is another way of organizing the common components of linked universes.
The master universe holds all possible components. In the universes derived from the master, certain
components are hidden depending on their relevance to the target users of the derived universe.
The components visible in the derived universes are always a subset of the master universe. There are
no new components added specific to the derived universe. The example below shows the universes
Human Resources and Sales are derived from a master universe. They contain components from the
master universe, some of which may be hidden. Any changes you make to the master universe are
automatically reflected in the core components of all the derived universes.
Component approach
The component approach involves merging two or more universes into one universe. The Sales universe
below was created by merging two universes: Part 1 and Part 2.
How do you distribute Universe?
Designer allows you to distribute universes by importing and exporting universes to the Central
Management System (CMS) repository.
What is the list mode?
List Mode provides list of all the tables, joins, and contexts.àList mode command View
What is Parse checking?
Parse checking means how DESIGNER is to determine the validity of an object, join, or condition.
• Quick parsing checks only the syntax of components.
• Thorough parsing checks both the syntax and semantics of components.
If there are changes in the database on which you have already created a universe, how do you include
those additional changes into your universe?
By refreshing the structure I get the updated database structure.
What is the difference between linking and including the universes?
• Linking a universe is a process, which includes the required objects/classes of the master on to the
derived universe. But any change made to the master universe is reflected onto the derived universe.
• Including a universe creates all the required objects from the master universe on to the derived
universe; any change made to the master universe does not impact the derived universe.
What is a list of values?
A list of values contains the data values associated with an object. These data values can originate from a
corporate database, or a flat file such as a text file or Excel file. In Designer you create a list of values by
running a query from the Query Panel. You can then view, edit, purge, refresh, and even export this file. A
list of values is stored as an .lov file in a subfolder of the UserDocs folder.
What are the requirements for linking universes
You can link the active universe to a kernel universe, only if the following requirements are met:
The kernel universe and active universe were created from the same data account and the same
The kernel universe was exported and re-imported at least once.
Exported derived universes are located in the same universe domain as the kernel universe.
All classes and objects are unique in both the kernel universe and the derived universes. (Otherwise,
collisions may occur.)You are authorized to link the given universe.
A derived universe does not recover the lists of values containing personal data from the kernel universe.
However, if you need certain lists of values, you can use the following workaround: in the derived
universe, create new objects defined in the same way as those in the kernel, then hide them. You can
then assign them to these objects lists of values, which you can then modify and export.
How to create hierarchies in BO?
A hierarchy, which the designer sets up when creating the universe, consists of dimension objects ranked
from “less detailed” to “more detailed”. The objects that belong to hierarchies are the ones you can use to
define scope of analysis.
Creating hierarchies
You can create your own custom hierarchies from any dimensions available in
the report. The dimensions you include in a hierarchy can be local variables,
derived variables, or dimensions returned by data providers.
Note: You can also use a date-type user object as the basis for a time hierarchy.
For information on user objects see “Creating User Objects” on page 78.
To create a custom hierarchy
1. Click the Hierarchies command on the Analysis menu.
The Hierarchy Editor opens.
2. In the Hierarchy Editor, click New.
3. Type the name of the new hierarchy, then click outside the name box.
4. In the Available Dimensions box, click the first dimension for the new
hierarchy, then click Add.
The dimension you clicked appears in the new hierarchy’s folder in the
Available Hierarchies box.
Add the other dimensions you want to include and then click OK.
What are the disadvantages of Alias?
Aliases will create complex in structure of the Universe
What are linked Universes
Linked universes are universes that share common components such as parameters, classes, objects, or
joins. Among linked universes, one universe is said to be the kernel or master universe while the others
are the derived universes.
A kernel or master universe represents a re-usable library of components. Derived universes may contain
some or all the components of the kernel or master universe, in addition to any components that have
been added to it.
Approaches to linking universes
You can use one of three approaches when linking universes:
• The kernel approach
• The master approach
• The component approach
The Benefits of Linked Universes
You have the following advantages when linking universes:
• Reduce development and maintenance time. When you modify a component in the core
universe, Designer propagates the change to the same component in all the derived universes.
• You can centralize often used components in a core universe, and then include them in all new
universes. You do not have to re-create common components each time you create a new universe.
• Facilitate specialization. Development can be split between database administrators who set up a basic
core universe, and the more specialized designers who create more functional universes based on their
specific field.
Requirements for linking universes
You can link the active universe to a kernel universe, only if the following requirements are met:
The kernel universe and active universe were created from the same data account and the same
The kernel universe was exported and re-imported at least once.
Exported derived universes are located in the same universe domain as the kernel universe.
All classes and objects are unique in both the kernel universe and the derived universes. (Otherwise,
collisions may occur.)
You are authorized to link the given universe.
Note: A derived universe does not recover the lists of values containing personal data from the kernel
universe. However, if you need certain lists of values, you can use the following workaround: in the
derived universe, create new objects defined in the same way as those in the kernel, then hide them. You
can then assign them to these objects lists of values, which you can then modify and export.
Explain Universe Design Methodology.
The universe design methodology described in this manual consists of one planning stage, and three
implementation phases:
Analysis of business problem and planning the universe solution
Designing a schema
Building the universe
Distributing the universe to users
Each implementation phase is based on an assumption that you have completed an initial planning
phase. The planning phase can be done without using Designer, and is the decisive phase for the
success or failure of your universe. A poorly planned universe that is not based on a study of user
reporting needs will be difficult to design, implement, maintain, and will not be useful to your target users.
Each of these phases is described as follows:
Plan the universe before you start using Designer
Before starting the first phase, you should spend up to eighty percent of the time allotted for the universe
creation project, planning the universe. You should note the following points:
• You must analyze the data analysis and reporting needs of the target audience for the universe. The
structures that you use to create the schema should be based on a clearly defined user need to access
the data contained in those tables and columns.
• You should have a clear idea of the objects that you need to create before you start using Designer. Do
not create objects by looking at the columns available in the database, but identify columns that match an
object that you have already identified from your user needs analysis.
Designing a schema
You create a schema for the underlying database structure of your universe. This schema includes the
tables and columns of the target database and the joins by which they are linked. You may need to
resolve join problems such as loops, chasm traps, and fan traps, which may occur in the structure by
using aliases or contexts. You test the integrity of the overall structure.
Building the universe
You create the objects that infer Select statements based on the components of your schema. You
organize these objects into classes. These are objects that you have identified from an analysis of user
reporting needs. You can create many types of objects to enhance user reporting capabilities,
multidimensional analysis, and optimize query performance. You test the integrity of your universe
structure. You should also perform tests by running reports in Web Intelligence.
Distributing the universe
You can distribute your universes to users for testing, and eventually for production, by exporting them to
the Crystal Management System (CMS) repository.
Explain Universe Development Lifecycle.
Universe development is a cyclic process which includes planning, designing, building, distribution, and
maintenance phases. You use Designer to design and build a universe, however, the usability of any
universe is directly related to how successfully the other phases in the development cycle interact with
each other.
This section presents an overview of a universe design methodology that you can use to plan and
implement a universe development project. The table below outlines the major phases in a typical
universe development cycle:
Business Objects interview question
By admin | November 19, 2006
Explain detail objects? - Sol: Detail objects are attached to dimensions, one cannot drill on details nor link
on details when linking multiple data providers. While Customer ID would be a dimension, customer
name, address, phone and soon should be details.
What is BO Main. Key? - Bo Main. Key file contains the information about the repository site i.e. it
contains the address of the repository security domain.
What is Business objects Repository? - it is nothing but metadata.
What is domain? How many are there in a basic setup? What are they? - Domain is nothing but logical
grouping of system tables, There are three domains usually in a basic setup, They are Secure, Universe,
Document. Business objects are sometimes called domain objects (where the word domain means the
business), and a domain model represents the set of domain objects and the relationships between them.
When is the Repository created? - In 5i/6i versions after installing the software, whereas in Xi version a
repository is created at the time of installation.
Can we have multiple domains? - Yes. (Security domain cannot be multiple).
How do you restrict access to rows of a database? - In XI version it can be done by using row-level
security in designer module whereas in 5i/6i it is done by supervisor.
What is a category? - It is nothing but grouping of certain entities.
What is a Universe? - It is a semantic layer between Database and the designer used to create objects
and classes. (It maps to data in Database).
What is an Object? - It is an instance of class, it's nothing but an entity.
What do you mean by Object qualification? - Object qualification represents what kind of object is that,
usually we have three types of object qualifiers they are measure, dimension, detailed.
What is the size of data base? - In general it will be anything between 4-8 Terabytes.
What is a loop? How can we overcome? - Loop is nothing but a closed circular flow; it can be overcome
by making use of Alias and Context.
What is a join? Explain different types of joins? - Join is used to link to tables depending upon the data
requested by the user, Usually we have Inner Join, Outer Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Outer join.
What are Linked Universes? - If the data provided is from two different data providers then we can link
those two universes, such type of universe is called Linked Universe.
What are Alerter, Filters, Breaks and Conditions? - Alters are nothing but they are used to draw attention
to a block of data by highlighting. Breaks are nothing but grouping the data without any change in the
format. Condition is used to retrieve data which meets certain criteria. Filters are used to get necessary
What is the difference between master-detail and Breaks? - In break common fields are deleted (here in
this case the table format is not changed) whereas in master-detail , we declare certain entity as a master
to get the detailed information or report in this case the table format is changed.
What is metrics? - Metrics are a system of parameters or ways of quantitative and periodic assessment of
a process that is to be measured; these are used to track trends, productivity.
What is a Set? - Its nothing but grouping of users.
What is the use of AFD? Where it can be stored? - used to create dashboards. It can be stored in
repository, corporate or personal.
what is the source for metrics? - measure objects.
Why do we need metrics and sets? - Metrics are used for analysis and Sets are used for grouping.
Is there any bug in 6.x? - In earlier version of 6.0 they had, but 6.5 is the best version with out any bugs.
What are the general issues in migration process? - Alignment, performance.
What is the use of BO SDK? - Bo SDK main use is to suppress “no data to fetch†ン using
How can we improve performance? - By making use of Aggregate tables.
Analysis in BO? - Slice-Dice and Drill analysis.
How can you check the integrity? - By making use of Check integrity button.
What are Universe parameters? - Name of the universe, description and RDBMS connection, size and
Types of Universes? - Simple and Complex.
What is the use of BCA? - BCA is used to refresh and schedule and export and save as.html,.rtf,.xls ,.pdf.
What is a universe?
Analysis in business objects?
Who launches the supervisor product in BO for the first time?
How can you check the universe?
What are universe parameters?
Types of universes in business objects?
What is security domain in BO?
Where will you find the address of repository in BO?
What is broad cast agent?
In BO 4.1 version what is the alternative name for broadcast agent?
What services the broadcast agent offers on the server side?
How can you access your repository with different user profiles?
How many built-in objects are created in BO repository?
What are alerters in BO?
What are different types of saving options in web intelligence?
What is batch processing in BO?
How can you first report in BO by using broadcast agent?
Can we take report on Excel in BO?
business Objects (BO) - Technical Interview Questions
Note: There can be more than one answer in some instances – your obligation as a developer is to
know which is the most effective / suitable method!
General Questions
=>Tell me about yourself, your employment history.
=>How many years of experience do you have in BusObj? Versions?
=>What was your role in the current project?
=>How many users were there?
=>On a scale of 1 - 10, rate yourself on BUSOBJ?
=>Broadcast Agent
=>Business Query
=>Were any experts called from BUSOBJ while you were on the project?
=>What is BO Main. key?
Answer: A file that contains the address of the repositories security domain. This file must be distributed
to all users who will access the Business Objects repository to share universes and documents. By
default, the bo main. key is placed in the Business Objects\Loc Data folder on your system.
Supervisor Questions
=>What is the Business Objects repository?
Answer: The Business Objects repository is a set of relational data structures stored on a database. It
enables Business Objects users to share resources in a controlled and secured environment.
=>What is a domain? How many are there is a basic set up? What are they?
Answer: The repository is made up of three domains: the security domain, the universe domain, the
document domain.
=>When is the repository created?
Answer: The repository is created by the general supervisor with the Setup wizard during the first-time
use of the product. You can create and use more than one repository, typically to manage multiple sites.
=>Can we have multiple domains? If yes. Purpose of having them?
Answer: Yes
=>How do you restrict the users from using a particular universe, a class or object(s) of a universe, a
particular document etc?
=>How do you restrict access to the rows of a database?
1) In the User pane, click the user or group.
2) In the Resource pane, click the Universe tab.
3) Right-click the universe.
4) From the pop-up menu, click Properties.
5) In the Universe Properties dialog box, click the Rows tab.
6) Set the options as necessary.
7) Click OK.
=>How do you Create a user?
1) In the User pane, click the group in which you want to create a new user. 2) Click on the toolbar. 3)
Type a user name, and press the Enter key.
=>What are the types of user profiles and products can they use?
Supervisor offers standard profiles representing the various types of Business Objects users. The names
of the profiles, as well as their symbols, roles, and products are explained below.
Profile) General Supervisor
Role) The Business Objects system administrator. This is the person who launches Supervisor for the first
time. The general supervisor creates the repository, defines users and groups, and manages resources.
A general supervisor is the sole user with a global view of the hierarchical organization.
Product) All Business Objects Products
Profile) Supervisor
Role) Defines users and group, manages resources, and ensures security. A supervisor also assigns
properties and resources to these users and groups. In addition, a supervisor can restrict access to
certain resources. A general supervisor can create several supervisors.
Product) Supervisor, Business Objects
Profile) Supervisor-designer
Role) Creates users, groups and universes.
This user has all the rights of the supervisor and designer combined.
Product) Supervisor, Designer, Business Objects
Profile) Designer
Role) Creates universes and distributes them to end users by sending them through the file system, or by
exporting them to the repository.
Product) Designer, Business Objects
Profile) User
Role) The main Business Objects user whose tasks are to query, report, and analyze data. Users can
produce documents containing data from one or more data sources. There can be an unlimited number of
Product) Business Objects
Profile) Versatile
Role) This user is authorized to use any combination of products defined by a supervisor.
=>How do you Create a user group?
1) In the User pane, click the group in which you want to create a new group.
2) Click on the toolbar.
3) Type a group name, and press the Enter key.
=>How do you know if a user is Disabled?
Answer: A silly sad face.
=>How do you enable a User?
Answer: Right click on the disabled user and select enable.
=>How many strikes does it take before a user disables them?
Answer: 3
=>What is a Category?
Answer: A keyword or phrase created by Supervisor and stored in the repository, which end-users can
assign to documents when they send them to users, groups, or Broadcast Agent. Users can then filter
document searches in the repository by assigned category.
Designer Questions
=>What is a Universe?
Answer: A universe is a business-oriented mapping of the data structure found in databases: tables,
columns, joins, etc. It can represent any specific application, system, or group of users. For example, a
universe can relate to a department in a company such as marketing or accounting. In the Business
Objects User module, universes enable end users to build queries from which they can generate and
perform analysis. Universes isolate end users from the complexities of the database structure as well as
the intricacies of SQL syntax.
=>How many Universes did you create?
=>Tell me how many classes where there, and objects in each class?
=> What is an Object?
Answer: An object is the most refined component in a universe. It maps to data or a
derivation of data in the database. Using objects, end users can build queries to generate reports.
=>What is Object qualification?
Answer: For the purposes of multidimensional analysis, objects are qualified as one of three types:
dimension, detail, or measure.
=>Tell me about a complicated object you have created?
=>What was the size of the database? which server?
=>What was the Database. Was it a data warehouse?
=>What problems you have faced while creating an universe?
Tell me an incident and how you went about solving it?
How many Tables was the universe built?
=>What is a loop, how do you resolve them?
Answer: A situation that occurs when more than one path exists from one table to another in the universe.
=>What do you prefer - an Alias or a context? why?
A) Alias - A logical pointer to an alternate table name. The purpose of an alias is to resolve loops in the
paths of joins.
A) Context - A context is a rule by which Designer can decide which of two paths to choose when more
than one path is possible from one table to another. Contexts can be used to resolve loops in the
universe. You can create contexts manually, or cause them to be detected by Designer. When contexts
are useful, Designer suggests a list of contexts that you can create.
=>What is a join? Explain different types of joins?
A) A relational operation that causes two tables with a common column to be combined into a single
table. Designer supports equi-joins, theta joins, outer joins, and shortcut joins.
=>What are linked universes? Have you worked with them, problems faced and solutions?
A) Linked universes are universes that share common components such as parameters, classes, objects,
or joins. Among linked universes, one universe is said to be the kernel or master while the others are the
derived universes.
Bus Obj (Business Objects) Questions
=>How many reports have you created? Explain a few?
=>What are alerter's, filters, breaks, conditions?
A) The Alerters dialog box allows you to create and apply alerters. Alerters use special formatting to make
data that fits specified conditions stand out from the rest of the data. This helps draw attention to trends
and exceptions in report data.
A) A filter enables you to hide the data you do not want to view and display only the data you want to
focus on. In the Apply a Filter on Variable Name dialog box, you choose which values of the selected
variable you want to display in the selected block.
A) Select the variables you want to use to insert a break. When you close the dialog box, the variable you
select is displayed in the Breaks dialog box. Break Level, sets the level that the block of data will have in
the report. You can have more than one break level to organize blocks of data.
A) conditions - feature that forces a query to retrieve only the data that meets specified criteria.
=>What's the difference between master-detail and Breaks?
=>What's the difference between filters and conditions? =>What are pre-defined conditions?
compare with report conditions? Justify? =>What are the differences between a formula, variable and
user objects? =>Did you face any problems while creating reports? Name? Solutions? =>How do you
schedule the reports? =>What is a micro cube? how many can a document have?
A) Local structure in which the data retrieved by a data provider is stored; contains the data users can
display in reports inside a document.
=>Have you worked with multiple data sources? If yes. How do you link them?
=>What are templates? Explain what you have created?
=>How do you resolve #multivalue and #computation errors?
=>Difference between Foreach and ForAll?
A) Foreach - Adds a dimension to the calculation environment.
A) ForAll - Specifies the dimensions you want to include in the calculation.
=>Define a Cell, Block, Section?
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Business Objects Interview Questions with Answers
Posted Under BO-Interview-Questions, Data WareHousing Interview Questions
Tags:Business Objects Interview Questions asked in Infosys, TCS, CTS, WIPRO, Accenture, ORACLE,
CSC, EDS, IBM, L&T .Business Objects Interview Questions asked in top MNCs
What are Lookup and Fact Tables?
Lookup tables: A lookup (or dimension) table contains information associated with a particular entity or
Fact Tables: A fact table contains statistical information about transactions.
What Types of Join Paths Return Incorrect Results?
1. Loops (Too few rows) 2. Fan Trap (Too many rows) 3. Chasm Trap (Too many rows)
What Are Loops?
In a relational database, a loop occurs when joins form multiple paths between lookup tables.
How to detect loops?
1) Run the Check Integrity function, which indicates the existence of any loops.
2) Select the Detect Loops command from the Tools menu.
How to resolve loops?
Loops can be resolved by creating aliases and contexts.
What is an Alias?
In SQL an alias is an alternative name for a table. In DESIGNER, an alias is just a pointer to another
table. The purpose of aliases is to resolve structural issues in a database arising from SQL limitations.
Whenever possible you should use an alias instead of a context.
What is a context?
Context is a method by which Designer can decide which path to choose when more than one path is
possible from one table to another in the universe.
Generally used transactional database with multiple Fact tables.
When you use a context, you expose the Business Objects end user to the database structure. They are
forced to decide which context they want to use to run their query. The role of the universe is to shield
end users from the database structure, so they do not have to make such decisions.
What is Fan trap and Chasm Trap? How do you resolve?
Fan Trap: occurs when a “One to Many” join links a table which is in turn linked by another “One to Many”
There are two ways to solve Fan trap:
• Creating an alias and applying aggregate awareness function. This is the most effective way to solve the
Fan trap problem.
• Using Multiple SQL statements for each measure.
Chasm Trap: occurs when two “Many to one” joins from two Fact tables converge on a single Lookup
Can be solved by:
• Creating a Context.
• Using Multiple SQL statements for each measure
• Creating multiple universes (WEBINTELLIGENCE only).
When do you use multiple universes?
You can use multiple universes to solve a Chasm trap in a WEBINTELLIGENCE universe when
Multiple SQL for Measures cannot be used as there are dimension objects defined for one or both of the
fact tables.
When do you NOT use multiple universes?
You do not use multiple universes in the following situations:
• Full client BUSINESSOBJECTS universes
• When a WEBINTELLIGENCE universe does not contain dimension objects defined for any of the fact
What are @Functions?
1) @Aggregate_Aware (2) @Prompt (3) @Script (4) @Select (5) @Variable (6) @Where
@Prompt: message prompts the end user to enter a specific value.
Syntax: @Prompt (‘message’, [‘type’], [lov], [MONOMULTI], [FREECONSTRAINED])
@Script: This function recovers the results of Visual Basic for Applications macro (VBA macro).
Syntax: @Script (‘var_name’, ‘vartype’, ‘script_name’)
@Select: This function enables you to re-use the Select statement of an existing object.
Syntax: @Select (Classname\Objectname)
@Variable: The @Variable is used to reference the value assigned to a name or variable.
Syntax: @Variable(‘myname’)
@Where: This function lets you re-use the Where clause of an existing object.
Syntax: @Where (Classname\Objectname)
business objects
What is ‘business objects’?
What are the various Business Objects products?
What are the advantages of Business Objects over other DSS?
How many modes are there in BO & Designer
What are Enterprise and Workgroup modes?
How do you save a Business Objects document which can be accessed by all users in workgroup mode?
What is online and offline mode?
What is a universe?
Can a Universe connect to multiple databases?
How do you define universe parameters?
What is a database connection?
What are the types of connections we use when connecting to the database?
What are different types of joins available in Universe design? Explain each
How do you design a universe?
What are the components of the Designer interface?
What are classes/objects?
What are classes?
What are objects?
What are Dimension-Measure-Detail Objects?
What us hierarchy
How to create hierarchies in BO?
What are Contexts?
What are aggregated tables and how would you use it in BO Universe
What is Incompatibility?
What is the typical strategy employed in developing/maintaining/distributing Universes?
I have Customer dimension table and a fact table with cust_to_ship_key and cust_to_bill_key. How do I
get the corresponding customer names?
What are strategies?
What are the different types of Strategies?
How do you specify external strategies?
What are the visualization options available?
What is Join Path Problem?
How to add aggregate table in universe in real life scenario?
If we have a user group and we want to give the access to the report from 1990 to 2000. and from that
group we want one user to restrict to see the report from 1990 to 1995. Then what to do in BO designer,
so that this can be possible( Not in report level).
What is shortcut join. What is its use explain with an example
What is isolated join, explain with an example
What is cardinality and its significance in BO universe
How will you know the version of BO designer you are using
What is loop in Universe? Explain its problem and different methodologies to resolve it.
What is CHASM trap and how to resolve it
When any new universe changes are deployed how does the end user get the view of the new
classes/objects added(apart from specs doc)?
I have 2 universes. that is u1 and u2. From u1,i created one report that is r1. Now i want to give the
connection r1 to u2 and at the same time delete the connection from u1 to r1 ? How is it possible explain?
What is meant by ZABO and FC(full-client)?
what happens if cardinalities are not resolved?
What is aggregate navigation.
What is Index Awareness in Universe.
What are @functions
What is core Universe
What is derived universe.
What are linked universes? Explain with advantages and disadvantages.
What is Object Qualification
How to create filter in Universe and what is advantages and disadvantages.
Why do we need to create derived table in Universe.
Explain security level in BO Universe
How to implement row level security in Universe.
How do you determine when to use alias and when to use context.
What are different ways to link universes.
How do you distribute Universe?
What is the list mode?
What is Parse checking? .
What are the disadvantages of Alias?
What are linked Universes
Explain Universe Design Methodology.
Explain Universe Development Lifecycle.
what is ‘business objects’?
BUSINESSOBJECTS is an integrated query, reporting and analysis solution for business professionals
that allow them to access the data in their corporate databases directly from their desktop and present
and analyze this information in a BUSINESSOBJECTS document.
It is an OLAP tool that high-level management can use as a part of a Decision Support Systems (DSS).
BUSINESSOBJECTS makes it easy to access the data, because you work with it in business terms that
are familiar to you, not technical database terms like SQL.
1. What are the various Business Objects products? (AG technologies)
User Module, Designer, Supervisor, Auditor, Set Analyzer, Info View (Web Intelligence), Business Objects
Software Development Kit (SDK), Broadcast Agent etc.
2. What are the advantages of Business Objects over other DSS?
User Friendly.Ø
Familiar Business Terms.Ø
Graphical InterfaceØ
Drag and Drop.Ø
Powerful reports in less time.Ø
Enterprise wide Deployment of documents using WebIØ
Customized dashboards using Application foundation and Business Objects SDK.Ø
How many modes are there in BO & Designer? (KPIT Infotech, Pune)
There are 2 types: Enterprise Mode, Workgroup Mode.
3. What are Enterprise and Workgroup modes?
Designer lets you save universes in either enterprise or workgroup mode. Enterprise mode means that
you are working in an environment with a repository. Workgroup mode means that you are
working without a repository. The mode in which you save your universe determines whether other
designers are able to access them. By default, a universe is saved in the mode in which you are already
working. For example, if you launched a session in enterprise mode, any universe you save is
automatically in that mode.
Q. How do you save a Business Objects document which can be accessed by all users in workgroup
If we want to make a universe accessible to another designer working without a repository, then click the
Save as Workgroup check box in the Save as universe dialog box.
Q. What is online and offline mode?
4. What is a macro?
A macro is a series of commands and functions that are stored in a Visual Basic for Applications module
and can be run whenever you need to perform the task. If you perform a task repeatedly, you can
automate the task with a macro. You create macros using the Visual Basic Editor.
5. What is an add-in?
Add-ins are programs that add optional commands and features to BUSINESSOBJECTS. Add-ins are
usually created by those responsible in your company for adding customized features to
BUSINESSOBJECTS. All you probably need to do is install and uninstall add-ins that are sent to you.
6. What is a universe? (AG Technologies)
Universe provides a semantic layer between you and the database. It consists of classes and objects
named in business terms. It is basically a mapping of table and the columns in the database to classes
and objects respectively in the query panel.
Alternatively, It is logical mapping of data in business terms.
In the BusinessObjects User module, universes enable end users to build queries from which they can
generate and perform analysis. Universes isolate end users from the complexities of the database
structure as well as the intricacies of SQL syntax.
Q. Can a Universe connect to multiple databases? (AG Technologies)
How do you define universe parameters?
The first step in creating a universe is to specify its parameters. These parameters include the definition
of a universe, which is comprised of: the universe name, a description of the universe, a connection to an
RDBMS. You enter universe parameters from the Universe Parameters dialog box. This dialog box also
lets you set up database options, external strategies, graphic options, and print settings.
What is a database connection?
A connection is a set of parameters that provides access to an RDBMS. These parameters include
system information such as the data account, user identification, and the path to the database. Designer
provides three types of connections: secured, shared, and personal.
7. What are the types of connections we use when connecting to the database? (KPIT Infotech, Pune)
There are three types of connections namely: - Secured, Shared and Personal.
A secured connection is used to centralize and control access to sensitive or critical data. It is the safest
type of connection for protecting access to data.
A shared connection is used to access common resources such as universes or documents. Several
users can thus use it.
A personal connection is specific to one user and can be used only from the computer on which it was
24. What is Designer?
Designer is a BusinessObjects IS module used by universe designers to create and maintain universes.
Universes are the semantic layer that isolates end users from the technical issues of the database
structure. Universe designers can distribute universes to end users by moving them as files through the
file system, or by exporting them to the repository.
25. How do you design a universe?
The design method consists of two major phases.
During the first phase, you create the underlying database structure of your universe. This structure
includes the tables and columns of a database and the joins by which they are linked. You may need to
resolve loops which occur in the joins using aliases or contexts. You can conclude this phase by testing
the integrity of the overall structure.
During the second phase, you can proceed to enhance the components of your universe. You can also
prepare certain objects for multidimensional analysis. As with the first phase, you should test the integrity
of your universe structure. Finally, you can distribute your universes to users by exporting them to the
repository or via your file system.
26. What are the components of the Designer interface?
In Designer, you create a universe using three areas: the Universe pane, the Structure pane, the Table
Browser. The Universe pane displays the components of the universe from the point of view of Business
Objects; that is the classes, objects, and conditions. The Structure pane reflects the underlying database
structure of the universe including the tables, columns, and joins. The Table Browser is the component
that lets you create the classes and objects of the universe from the tables and columns of a database.
8. What are classes/objects?
An object maps to data or a derivation of data in the database. For the purposes of multidimensional
analysis, an object can be qualified as one of three types: a dimension, detail, or measure.
A class is a collection of objects based on business categories.
A universe is a set of classes and objects intended for a specific application or group of users.
27. What are classes?
A class is a logical grouping of objects within a universe. In general, the name of a class reflects a
business concept that conveys the category or type of objects. For example, in a universe pertaining to
human resources, one class might be Employees. A class can be further divided into subclasses. In the
human resources universe, a subclass of the Employees class could be Personal Information. As
designer, you are free to define hierarchies of classes and subclasses in a model that best reflects the
business concepts of your organization.
28. What are objects?
An object is the most refined component in a universe. It maps to data or a derivation of data in the
database. Using objects, end users can build queries to generate reports. The name of an object
suggests a concept drawn from the terminology of a business or discipline. For a human resources
manager, objects might be Employee Name, Address, Salary, or Bonus, while for a financial analyst,
objects might be Profit Margin, Return on Investment, etc. For the purposes of multidimensional analysis,
objects are qualified as one of three types: dimension, detail, or measure.
9. What are Dimension-Measure-Detail Objects?
When creating universes, universe designers define and qualify objects. The qualification of an object
reveals how it can be used in analysis in reports. An object can be qualified as a dimension, a detail, or a
A dimension object is the object being tracked; in other words, it can be considered the focus of the
analysis. A dimension can be an object such as Service, Price, or Customer.
Dimension objects retrieve the data that will provide the basis for analysis in a report. Dimension objects
typically retrieve character-type data (customer names, resort names, etc.), or dates (years, quarters,
reservation dates, etc.)
A detail object provides descriptive data about a dimension object (or attribute of a dimension). It is
always associated with a specific dimension object. However, a detail object cannot be used in drill down
analysis. E.g. Address & phone number can be attributes about the customer dimension.
A measure object is derived from one of the following aggregate functions:
Count, Sum, Minimum, Maximum or average or is a numeric data item on which you can apply, at least
locally, one of those functions. This type of object provides statistical information. Examples of measure
objects include the following:
Revenue, unit price etcs
1. How would you improve the performance of the reports.
Performance of the reports starts with analyzing the problem.
The problem could be with database, Universe or the report itself
Analyzing the database
-Run the SQL from the report on an oracle client like SQL Navigator or toad after passing in all the
-Identify if the SQL takes considerable less time than the report. If yes then the problem is with the
Universe or with the report if no then
-Run an explain plan on the SQL
-Look to see if all the statistics are computed, indexes are built and the indexes are used
-Check to see if aggregate tables can be used ( Aggregate tables are useful if the data can be concised to
1/10th of fact data)
-Check to see if data has increased and usage of materialized views could help.
oCreating materialized views enable to pre -run the complex joins and store the data.
oMost of the DW environment has a day old data hence they don’t have lot of overhead.
oRunning a report against a single materialized table is always faster then running against multiple tables
with complex joins.
oIndexes can be created on this materialized view to further increase the performance.
-Check to see if the performance of the SQL can be increased by using hints ,if yes then add a hint to the
report SQL and freeze the SQL, this might have an additional overhead of maintaining the report
Analyzing the Universe
- Check is all the outer joins are properly created and remove unnecessary outer join
- Business Objects as such do not use Multi Pass SQL , Multi pass SQL is a technique a software use to
break down a complex SQL into multiple smaller SQLs. Hence a query using one fact table and three
dimension tables can be broken down into two, one between the dimension tables and the second
between the first result and the fact table. This can be achieved in BO by creating Derived Tables. The
derived table would be based on three dimension tables and the reports hence can use one derived table
and one fact table instead of four tables.
- The Keys tab allows you to define index awareness for an object. Index awareness is the ability to take
advantage of the indexes on key columns to speed data retrieval.
o In a typical data warehousing environment surrogate keys are used as primary keys instead of natural
keys , this primary key may not be meaningful to the end user but Designer can take advantage of the
indexes on key columns to speed data retrieval.
o The only disadvantage is it would not return duplicate data unless the duplicate data has separate keys
- Check to see if the size of the universe has increased recently
oTry to create a different universe for new requirements
oUnder extreme conditions the AUTOPARSE parameter in the param file can be turned off, this could be
too risky if not handled properly.
Analyzing the Report
-Check to see if there are any conditions which could be pushed into universe as Filters
-Check to see if a formula has multiple usage ,turn this to a variable
-Check if there are any variables which are not used, remove them.
-Remove any additional filters or alerters on the report.
What is the difference between BoXIR2 and BOXIR3?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
1.XIR3 can use Excel document as a data provider which was not possible in XIR2. 2.We can open XIR2
universes using XIR3 Designer but XIR3 universe cannot be opened using earlier versions of
designer. Read More
What is aggregate awareness and how can we use it?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Aggregate awareness function is used to aggregate the values present in the classes in decending order.
for instance we have year,quarter,month,week tables then we sum the
year,sum(quarter),sum(month),sum(week) in decending order respectively. we... Read More
What are all difference between business objects 6.5 and XI R2
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
I have found some differences b/w BO and XI and only the last is specific to XIR2 Difference between BO
and XI BO uses classic BO Architecture and XI uses crystal classic Architecture BO uses 57 tables for
BO repo and 8 tables for auditor...Read More
How many ways we test the universe & Report?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
By doing integrity check we can test universe & By coping report query and run in backend(oracle, sql
server...) we can test the data by comparing both. Read More
How can we do load testing for Webi Reports? (Example if I have have to test one webi reoprt for
Concurrent users refreshing report at one time)
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
You can do Load testing for Webi Reports using Load runner tool. 1) Install loadrunner in your system.
( to use loadrunner you need admin rights). 2) Generate loadrunner scripts. 3) Use controller(which is
present in loadrunner) to get the...Read More
What is the diferrence between slice and dice & drill through
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Slice and dice means change the postion of the data like move the data from rows to columns drill mode
means allow u to analyze the data in different angles and different levels of details.. in drill mode different
types of analysis’s are... Read More
What is the diferrence between slice and dice and cross tab report?s
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Cross tab report is like at the intersection of 2 dimensions measure is if we have two
dimensions year and product and a measure ,revenue is displayed at the intersection of year and
product. Read More
State the difference between Webi and Infoview
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
In infoview you can create a webi documents i.e wid documents, you can open, schedule, save it as an
excel or pdf or business objects document(.rep). Webi is a part of Infoview Read More
Can you please clarify the difference between compatible and incompatible objects?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
We can select or choose compatable n incompatable objects through aggregator navigation in the
designer. with this method the performance increases tremendously. instead of checking for each n every
object only the compatable objects are only... Read More
Diffrence between ZABO and webi
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
ZABO is zero administrator businessobjects , which will be installed on your local m/c when any full client
report in opened/edited from infoview . For this you don’t require any BO mainkey , key will be installed
from BO server.Webi is also... Read More
When we use aggergate awarness function in designer?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
1. In order to solve fan trap in busines objects we either create alias table or aggregate awareness
function 2. Through aggregate navigation we can also select the compatable as well as incompatable
objects Ex:-year, quarter, month, week, day ... Read More
What is drill filter and it’s usage ? How many types of filters are there ?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Three types of drill is in BO.1.drill up,2.drill down,3.drill thro’. drill up means second->minutes->hour->-
>day drill down means region-> country->state->district drill thro’--wht ever u want that element Read
What is the difference between detect alias and detect context?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
we should use Detect Aliases and Detect Contexts to formally identify and resolve loops. i.e.if a loop
contains only one lookup table then the loop can be resolved by detecting the alias if a loop is having 2 or
more fact tables(multiple... Read More
How do we test the reports in the business objects? How to creates the tabs in the reports?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
In the central mangement consol one can test the report. jsut go to the link http://ipadress:port
no/businessobjects/enterprise11/admin/en/admin.cwr .every thing can chk from the bo. Read More
What is report template in B.O?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Report Template is a specimen for your future reports. You create a report from scratch, say make it
Master-Detail Report with charts, put your company logo, add some default colors(something like same
colors your company uses for its documents,... Read More
What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based heirarchy?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
By default one class having one hierarchy ie called report hierarchy.Custom hierarchy we can create in
designer according our req. Read More
Give the notes and functionalities of cascading prompts,@script in business objects
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Syntax @Prompt (’ message’, [’type’], [lov], [MONO|MULTI], [FREE|CONSTRAINED]) where message is
the text of a message within single quotes. type can be one of the following: ’A’ for alphanumeric,
’N&rsquo... Read More
What is the dense rank?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
The DENSE_RANK function computes the rank of a row in an ordered group of rows. The ranks are
consecutive integers beginning with 1. The largest rank value is the number of unique values returned by
the query. Rank values are not skipped in the event... Read More
What would you consider as your biggest achievement and why?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
THOUGH my biggest achievement is still to be achieved ,and that would be if I am able to give all the
happiness to my family along with a reputed professional position. Read More
Kindly numberWhat are the steps to be taken to schedule the report??
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
As far as i know we schedule the reports through broadcast agent. Read More
In the BO universe, how to link two universe, like i have one universe in sales.uni and another is
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
In BO Designer, from File Menu -> Parameters -> Links tab on Universe Parameters box. Click Add link to
link the universe. The linking universe should be exported and imported from repository before
linking. Read More
Can you please clarify the difference between compatible and incompatible objects? when we will use
these two?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
When you are defining Aggregate tables in Universe design, you need to create hirarchies for aggregated
objects, for that you need to make the relative objects incompatible (the objects which are of lower level of
aggregation -- not of hirarchy). If... Read More
What is a bo repository
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Repository means set of database tables, Business object store security information e.g user, group,
access permission, user type etc. , universe information e.g. objects, classes, table name, column name,
relation ship etc.and document...Read More
What is meant by Object Stores?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Object store is nothing but the container of object which is created after rpt file run once. Read More
How to schedule the report in B.O?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
We can schedule the reports through broadcast agent. Read More
Can someone please give some information on REPORT BURSTING and how to do it in BCA as i have
to split the report and send diff reports to diff people
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
If some part of the data in your report is sensative, you can’t risk sending the whole report to everybody,
even to those who need to see the least sensative part of report ! Solution is Report Bursting. You can
send reports to BCA for... Read More
My query takes 30 min to refresh ...there is any performance tunning is there to reduce refresh time?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
- make sure to have the right context - apply right indexes on the tables Read More
Kindly numberWhat are the steps to be taken to schedule the report?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
You can schedule any report using Business Objects (reporter) .1) Open report in BO2) Select option "
File->Send To- BCA"3) Select the BCA name to which report has to be scheduled4) Set other options for
report scheduling like time , any macro ,... Read More
What is the difference between User And versatile user?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
SUPERVISOR offers various types of users of Business Objects products. The user profile determines by
default what products a user can use. User profiles can be customized to reflect the needs of the users. ?
User (all products but DESIGNER and... Read More
How to generate the report from excel sheet?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Start BO, Select "Others" on Data Providers wizard page, from drop down menu, select "ersonal data
files", specify file location & check the box "First Row contains Column names" this will help you in
creating Objects. click Ok. Start... Read More
What is Nested prompt and how to create this prompt?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Nested prompts are called "Cascading Prompts" in BusinessObjects environment. try searching for this
keyword. to create cascading prompts, you need to edit the properties of an object & impose another
prompt as a condition. Read More
What is the difference between condition & filter.
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Conditions: these retrievals the data based on the condition (universe level)Filter: it brings the data and
filter; performance will be slow (report level) Read More
What?s universal join in BOs?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
The level of join between two universe with a matching coloumn Read More
what all will be exported to the repository, when we export a universe ?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
when we export a universe first time,a unique identifier is allocated to the universe and this identifier is
updated on the local version of the universe in the universe domain If we export the universe to a
diff,domain and now the universe has an... Read More
What is thumbnail?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
BusinessObjects Enterprise lets you preview a report using thumbnails. You can request the server to
take a snapshot of the first page of the report and return it to the browser as an image file. This image can
then be displayed as part of the Report... Read More
What if a cartesian product pop up block appears when running a report. Does it give wrong values? How
to solve this issue?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Cartesian product is getting incorrect results. for instance if we have a cham trap or a fan trap n we din’t
solve them after checking the integrity also we get duplicate results of the same record ie nothing but
cartesian product. ex:- we... Read More
What is the diferrence beteeen tabular report& cross tab report
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Tabular reports is a 2D format and Cross tab reports is a 3D format. Most of the operational/formated
reports will be created in tabular form and most of the analytical reports are created in the cross tab report
form (Product VS Year VS Sales... Read More
How to filter repeatative values in the report to get distinct values.
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Question : How to filter repeatative values in the report to get distinct values.
Example: In any database we can use distinct command But My Report source is flatfile.Therfore,I cann’t
manipulate source system. Is there any... Read More
How achieve the many to many relation ship in Business Objects...
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
If you have two tables with many to many relation ship, take the keys of those tables and form a 1-1
relationship table. then you can connect both the existing tables to the newly formed table using the
key. Read More
I have three predefined prompts.In a report it will come randomly.How they will come in a specified
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
The Prompts will appear in the alphabetical order. To make them appear in the order of our requirement,
need to prefix a numerical with the prompt We can do this in two ways... 1.Add the number in the first
parameter of the... Read More
What is a fantrap in Business Objects?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Actually FAN TRAP is a problem that occurs in Universe Level. Loop occurs while we design the
universe. Two Types of Loop Problem: 1) FANTRAP PROBLEM solved by ALIAS METHOD: Definition:
Two One-to-many table link eachother is in turn linked... Read More
clearly explain the difference between union and group
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
The difference between union and group is as follows: take two tables t1 and t2. in t1 we have columnss
like a,b,c,d. and t2 has a,d,e,f. so union means t1 union t2 i.e getting result from both tables i.e a,b,c,d,e.,f
where as group performs on...Read More
How to select different data providers in business objects?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Once you have your report generated, right click in the left window (your variables) click on "New Data
Provider" follow the wizard. & you are done. If trying to use diff. data provider for different reports, after
creating 1 report, right... Read More
What are the steps to do to use Alerts in BO?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Alerts are used to alert some part of the data if any change occurs . select the part of the data in the
report where u want to keep alerts n just click on alerts in the tool bar which is present in the third line
from menu bar besides rank then...Read More
What are the user requirements in a universe?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Database connections, key column, joins and check for loopif you need mesures, metrics, There are 4
steps: 1.Define the connection. 2.Create the classes and objects. 3.Give the joins and resolve loops.
4.Generate the universe. Read More
What is the multi value error ? Is there any types of Error in BO
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Yes,#MULTIVALUE error is there in BO.It’s common when u r trying to use multi valued multiple objects
in section. Go through error documentation for further details... Read More
How to break a Date field into Year, month, week,day?(For example: I have a field INVOICE_DATE. Now
i want to break it as Year, month..... i.e. in time dimension.) DO i need to have some changes in
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Create objects in your universe with date functions. Let’s say your DB is Oracle. In your "Select"
statement of new object called year, try to_char(INVOICE_DATE, ’YYYY’) similarly for month create
object called month & repeat... Read More
How many universes can be created in a project
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
We can create any number of universe, but at a time we can open only one universe, generally number of
universes should be equal to number of sub-domains. Read More
is there any other repository domains rather than universe,security,doccument?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
No there are only 3 repository domains for BO 6.5 i.e universe, security and document. Read More
When to use local filter and when to use global Filter?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Think this should be in the Reporter Forum but, a local filter would apply to just a single block (table, cross
tab or chart) within your report. a global filter would apply to all blocks in your report, so if you had many
tables the filter would... Read More
Please explain about Alerts in Bo’s, Under what situation we need to use alerts
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Here alert means to highlighted data in a particular every report we can apply alerts situtation
like, sales revenue per city city field we can apply alert,condition like sales revenue
>=50,000 Read More
What is a derived table in data warehousing?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
it is similar to views,it is mainly used to restrict the datas Read More
i have some queries that i have one project in bussiness objects, like computer pheripheral(nrps) for
sales, in that i have face question like what is the main objectives of ur projects
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Your objectives for this project will be your Report Requirements. whatever the requirements are
baselined, you will develop the universes & create simple, complex reports. Requirements can be :
Standard sales reports -- Location wise,... Read More
How Do U Create Report in BO,If given Fixed length file ( Notepad) as source?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
To create a report using notpad (.txt files) : BusinessObjects --> new report 2. select data provider
as Others instead of universe, from "Others" drop down list, select "Personal Data Files", File selection
box appears, specify the...Read More
How we drill up week to Month?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
In data Warehouse when u change + symbol to - , u would c all the aggregation level in that + this is
called rolling down. So if u again click over that - it would again compressed back to +. This is call drill up.
your Aggregation levels woudl b...Read More
Product date sales p1 20/Jan/1999 100
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Question : Product date sales p1 20/Jan/1999 100 p1 20/Feb/1999 200 p1 20/apl/1999 100 p1
20/DEC/1999 50 p1 20/Jan/2000 100 p1 20/mar/2000 500 now i want query like product ,sum of actual
year ,sum of business year p1 450 750 ... Read More..
What is a Data Cube?What is its use ?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Data cube will present in BO tool. Data cube is used for storing the data values which we are using in the
documents. We can clear the data cube by using purge command. Data provider is used to retrived the
datas from data cube to documents. Read More
Can someone please let me know the things we can do in WEBi and cannot do it in FULL CLIENT and
vice versa for BO6.5
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
1) we can createedit Universe in the full client but not in WebI 2)WebI has comparatively less functions to
use than in Full client 3) In Full Client we can write macrosaddins but i am not sure whether we can do the
same in WebI or not. Read More
Are Data mart and DWH normalised or denormalised ? Do both of them exist in the same tier ?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Yes both can exist on the same tier because Datamart is a subset of data warehouse and it supports a
particular region, business unit or business function. The data in the Datamart and DWH is Denormalized
and optimized for OLAP systemsRead More
Is there any tool that can compare two Unvs / two Rpts , built using BO 5.1 / BO 6.5 ?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
There is no such tool available yet for comparing Universes/Reports. The best way to compare Universes
is to do check intergity constraints & the compare the outputs. Read More
Currently I am sending the report to users in excel format,if there is no data also the report will be sent,Is
there any option in BO to stop report from being sent if there is no data in the report?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
The time interval will be fixed for sending the report If you are generating or not a default report will be
sent regularly, to stop sending you have to condact your admin Read More
Can you add the Cascading promprts in Business Objects? (Based on Country prompt selection you need
to provide the option to select Sate/Province in the next State prompt. That means dynamically refresh
the data load in the state list values)
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
i know one approach ..we have to creeate these in Univrse design level.. this makes some process.. that
means..we have create objects..ans in conditional we to create prompts.. Read More
Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
No we can’t apply rank and sort at a time on one object in one single report.If we try to apply , BO asks if
you want to over write the previous condition. Read More
Which versions are used in the BO dashboard work?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Bo XI R2 Read More
What three things do you consider to be the most important factors for a manager?
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
1. Motivation factor 2. Team leader quality 3. Risk handler Read More
I would like to know if Business Objects can be installed on Solaris server. If no is their a way were in I
can install BO on windows(Microsoft server) and interface it with Solaris (solaris has the crystal reports).
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
We can install BO in sun solaris server. Install the server components like Configuration tool &
Administration console and configure the solaris machine as Primary node. Read More
How to execute the plsql procedure from the report by clicking with mouse
Added on Mon, Nov 30, 2009
We can select either tables or procedures or views as our data to generate our reports.In the designer in
bo’s we can select tab "insert" n select the particular data source for generating the report through mouse
click. Read More


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