Alternate row colors in a break
Some days ago I had the requirement to show alternate row colors in a break.
In fact that I was missing a SCN-Entry about this - there we go:
(I am using BO 4.0)
1. I create a variable RunningSwitcher with following definition:
- =RunningCount(LineNumber();([Project]))
This gives me a number starting at 1 for each line of one project:
2. next I created a variable ProjectSwitcher with following definition:
- =If(LineNumber()=1;1;If([RunningSwitcher]<>1;Previous(Self);Previous(Self)+1))
This variable gives me the same number for each project starting by 1:
3. a variable which checks if the ProjectSwitcher is even or odd to get one number for each even row and another for each odd row:
- =Mod([ProjectSwitcher];2)
4 & last step: I created a conditional formatting on the last variable which just set a gray background color if the row number is 0:
That's it!
As a result I got this:
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